I was reflecting on many things and my TRUE friends popped into my head...((sigh)). Majority of them live miles and hours away from me. I really wish that I could spend more time with my girls experiencing new things in life. I want to become a better friend in 2009. I sometimes get so consumed with life that I neglect them and that irritates me...GOSH! So I will be focusing on accomplishing more of my academic goals like starting grad school next year and becoming a better sister friend to my girls who I love dearly.
Oh and I had a revelation about aahhmmm...those "friends"...the ones who constantly shout to the world how grand, stable and secure they are while in the same sentence bringing you down. The ones who still have no clue who the hell they are and are so damn shallow its pitiful. The ones who say they're true friends and claim they're independent when they rely on others to make them feel secure. The ones who say the quality of friends means more then quantity, but inside its just the opposite.....Those "friends" should no better than anyone that there is always one friend who knows them best and will always know them best and will always be able to call them the hell out! EVERYTIME! (HAHA).
Now I know "they" have a purpose...I believe they're here to allow me to stay grounded and appreciate my true sister friends who are my ride or dies til' the end....(love ya Candace).
Here is a snapshot of the things I AM going to accomplish this year (hopefully):
1. Start doing Yoga!: Started
2. Complete my B.S. Degree: Completed
3. Move to Atlanta/D.C: Working on it!
4. Get a new car: Uhhh still working on it!
5. Start my Jewelry line: Started
6. Look for a "Career Related" job!
7. Apply to Grad school: Not yet
8. Take the GRE: In April!
9. Travel on a Mini "BIG" vaca!: Planning!
10. Reconnect with my Girls!: Started!