Thursday, June 26, 2008

Giving yo' last nickel.......

I hope everyone hears me loud and weary.....(side note):

I'm currently in my last year of school and of course STRESSED to the 100th degree. I am so ready to be done with this stage in my life. I'm so overwhelmed that if it rains outside and I forgot my umbrella it will make me want to cry ( I know, sad), but I think you get the picture. Now, with all that said by nature I'm the type person that cares about everyone well being and I take own others emotional woes to the point that I feel them myself. Now, in this unstable state of mind right now, you would only assume that I am HUMAN, right? Well, not to me and many others. I have the tendency to forget to call people back, birthdays, and what you told me two days ago. I have given my last nickel away.....that is my last of everything that I had to give to someone other than myself. I don't look at myself like I'm a selfish person, but we all have limits.....I have just opened my purse cleared away a few papers and my keys and alas found that nickel that you needed more than me, but did it bring upon so much debt to my heart.


People I say that to say this.....take care of yourself first. I know that may seem selfish, but you have to be right within to be anything to some else. I tend to want to please people and the minute I mess up or be a little absentee from worldly things (friends and such) I come down hard on myself and it's just not RIGHT!!! I mean you can't be everything to everyone and completely forget about yourself. I honestly wish I could disappear for a week so the world won't infiltrate my mind, spirit and soul to the point where giving my last nickel away won't be such a debt to my life.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Breezin' through...relationships and the death of me...

So, I just want everyone to know that I really didn't want this blog to be too personal (ya know about me) but I feel like I have to get this off of my chest because this is going to be the death of me if I don't:

I feel CRAZY!!! I know, I know, but I can't understand why life can be so extra sometimes. How can you want somehthing or a situtition to be a certain way and there is not a damn thing you can do to change the outcome. I have learned quite a bit about relationships and I have to admit I haven't been in one successful one yet.... I'm only 23 so I'm not trippin', but really GOD? I know he has a path for me and of course i'm trying my hardest to do what I feel is better. The flesh is like the worst.

I feel that everyone should know that at the end of the day...((sigh)) you can't make someone treat you the way you feel you should be treated, touched appreciated or talked to. You can't make them take out the trash or be that hopeless romantic that you may be yourself. You just can't...the best way you can tell if someone is the one for you is by looking at their actions. What are they doing and how are they treating you. Make decisions based off of their actions today and not what Potential they may have in the future if you just talk to them one more time or let him go through this little phase...PLEASE!!!!! Go get it together...and you know that's what stinks about loving someone or being emotionally involved with someone, because you love them or like them a lot :)..... and you know that it's just not what you want or need, but you can't let it go....

Be strong and pray to for guidance and simply do you. Pick up a hobby, study more and try to find yourself while your heart if heavy. will get through it and you know sometimes you just have to make the hardest decision that will be the best thing for you. Although many will get hurt in the process from that decision...sometimes it has to just be about YOU, if you don't it might just be the DEATH of you....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Be true to YOURSELF and find happiness

So I would like to begin by talking about ourselves...our inner most parts.

I guess if you were to meet me today, you would think that I was this very self confidant young lady, who is focused driven and very grounded, but man I wish truly I could tell you that in general that's how I have always been. College has been a blessing to me in so many ways because I have found the root of who I am. I no longer wonder what I want and who I am.

Having a fake personality is so not cute people. Just think about the energy it takes to keep up something so untrue and false and the emotional burden of knowing that people are only associating with you under false pretenses. Love yourself and begin to accept you for you. Loving yourself isn't just saying, "Okay I like who I am." It's letting that love spill into other aspects of who you are and what you stand for. Let your dress exemplify the love you have for yourself for example... Have a party in your heart all by yourself and I promise in the long term this will be the best party that you've ever been to.

Not the right man, biggest house, or the indispensable bank account will bring the epitome of happiness to you. You have to get to a point where even though you have the bare minimum, happiness overflows out of your heart. Not because of a person,place,or thing, but ONLY because of the love that you have for YOU and ONLY YOU!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hello everyone!

I'm creating this blog to help women in their twenties understand that your not suppose to know everything about life. You're suppose to feel insecure, lonely,scared and unsure of their futures. Your twenties are the breeding grounds for discovery, acknowledgement, and new revelations. I hope that my opinion and wisdom helps shed light on many things that all of us feel like we're the only human being struggling with.

So I ask you to:

1. Do some serious soul searching

This task isn't going to be easy, but remember that everything happens for a reason...Positivity goes a VERY long way...

I do not claim that I know it all, have gone through it all, or have done it all. I am only here to purge my spirit of the many struggles that I have gone through and currently confused about.

Before you ENTER do this:

Open your mind, hearts, and spirits and take it all in. You never know you may just experience The Evolution of Growth........