Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hello everyone!

I'm creating this blog to help women in their twenties understand that your not suppose to know everything about life. You're suppose to feel insecure, lonely,scared and unsure of their futures. Your twenties are the breeding grounds for discovery, acknowledgement, and new revelations. I hope that my opinion and wisdom helps shed light on many things that all of us feel like we're the only human being struggling with.

So I ask you to:

1. Do some serious soul searching

This task isn't going to be easy, but remember that everything happens for a reason...Positivity goes a VERY long way...

I do not claim that I know it all, have gone through it all, or have done it all. I am only here to purge my spirit of the many struggles that I have gone through and currently confused about.

Before you ENTER do this:

Open your mind, hearts, and spirits and take it all in. You never know you may just experience The Evolution of Growth........