Monday, July 7, 2008

Throwing in the towel...a third time around

So, as I try and keep my composure about many things that lord knows I do not control, I find myself still worrying about them.....I AM SOOOO TIRED OF BEING TIRED OF BEING TIRED...(sigh).

I am finding that the up keep of relationships (friends,family etc) is something that I am at this point in time exhausted of doing especially when you're reaping little to nothing positive from it. I am almost tired of writing this blog for the simple fact that it is what I am constantly going over and over in my head. Now because of school I can't move so there goes a fresh start anytime soon and though to some moving away may seem like an easy way out, but to me it might be the only path to solace.

And today is one of those days where I feel crazy and distraught...(uhhhhhhhhhh)....

My prayer for today:

Lord take those who are not contributing positivity to my well being out completely.
Allow me to distance myself from those who want not of me. Allow my heart to be at ease about the things I can not control and allow your love and prosperity to flood my heart with joy. Take me Jesus to your destinations only not the ones that I seek. Lastly, allow this time in my life to be a very positive one and where self growth will be all that I need outside of your love...AMEN...

Have a good day people!


Eb the Celeb said...

prayer is the key here missy so you are right on track... know that if you feel like your at a low that it can only get better...

Evolution of self Growth said...

Thanks Eb for the comment...and you know that's a good way to look at it...things can truly only get better....